Doug has put in the time, effort, and energy to excel in North Carolina politics. His guidance is invaluable and his relationships are crucial for any campaign looking to change our state for the better
— Former Rep. Chaz Beasley, NC House District 92, Former Candidate for NC Lt. Governor
I’ve known Doug for over 10 years. His political knowledge and strategic ability makes him one of the best political professionals in the business. Doug is the type of political professional Democrats need right now, especially in the South
— Dwayne Greene, Dir of Broadcast Communications at the Center for American Progress; Washington D.C.
Alexander Wilson Consulting and the Principal, Doug Wilson provides their clients deep insights, they deliver a data-driven approach and ensure efficient execution on your project.
— Travis Manigan, President and Founder of GAMEPLAN
Doug Wilson has unrivaled knowledge of North Carolina politics and brings a keen mind for strategy both micro and macro, that will benefit any political campaign. But most importantly, Doug works to cultivate personal relationships and is a trusted advisor that does business the right way.
— Rep Terry Brown, Jr. N.C. House District 92
I have known Douglas for nearly 20 years. His experience and knowledge base in healthcare, politics, and civil rights positions him uniquely as a key strategist that elected officials, corporate leaders, and non profit managers can trust. Under his leadership, AWC provides their clients with in the now wholes-tic and individualized guidance that exudes intelligence, vision and direction that is par excellence
— Axel Adams, National Dir 1000 Churches Connected, Rainbow Push Coalition, Atlanta, GA.
AWC’s principal, Douglas Wilson, leads with integrity, respect, and the highest ethics. Mr. Wilson is fully invested in building and growing a company that provides top-quality service at price points that promote diverse engagement in community leadership. In addition, Mr. Wilson consistently leverages his leadership experience at the local, state, and national levels to develop the next generation of civic and community leaders.
— Hon. Aretha V. Blake